Frustrated with the lack of progress in your school? Feeling Stuck? Leading Like a C.O.A.C.H reframes the traditional approach to school improvement, from:
1. A leader acting alone to try and “fix” the problem, to
2. A leader working with a community of other leaders and learners toward schoolwide excellence.
Trust the Process
Learn about and apply five proven practices for success:
- Create confidence through trust
- Organize around a priority
- Affirm promising practices
- Communicate feedback
- Help teachers become leaders and learners
Check out the reviews ★★★★☆ 4.9 out of 5
As a teacher who worked at an elementary school where Matt Renwick was principal for a number of years, I was able to experience the process he highlights in his book in real-time. Matt knows how to look for effective strategies in the classroom, as well as how to help the teacher arrive at areas of growth in a supportive way. Matt’s “walk through” approach he utilized as principal of our school helped me feel like he understood me as a teacher, knew my strengths and areas of growth. He documented his time in our room in writing, indicating what he noticed, as well as using questioning to encourage reflection and change in the teacher. Matt takes the traditional approach to classroom observations, which is infrequent and impersonal, and makes it consistent, meaningful, and personal. With Matt’s approach, principals will enter a classroom, knowing what to observe, how to interpret that information, and most importantly, how to share in writing with the teacher things that will both affirm and elevate instruction. I still have all of the written walk through things Matt shared with me – – they make me feel both valued and encouraged, but most of all, truly KNOWN. No formal observation has ever done that.
– Michelle Steffes, Teacher
I had the great pleasure to read Matt Renwick’s newest book pre publication and I am so grateful that he shared his wisdom on this very important topic. There has long been a gap in too many schools between leadership and instruction (in some cases that gap is more akin to a chasm). Leaders who offer coaching support in a non judgmental way is an essential missing piece that is much needed. Matt has beautifully described how any school leader can create and support a schoolwide design where instructional excellence is the responsibility of everyone from one side of the school to another. I highly recommend this wonderful book!
– Mary Howard, Educator, Author and Consultant
Matt Renwick reminds us of a key element of our shared professional leadership work: we can’t do it alone. He keeps us focused on the value of coaching tools and the pillars he references to keep instruction at the center of the work of educational leaders. This book draws on an extensive research base as well as Matt Renwick’s own professional experience to provide an accessible entry point for school leaders as they consider what it means to lead like a coach.
– Jason Drysdale, Assistant Superintendent
Get updates on my book and related topics at my newsletter – subscribe today.
List of posts, podcasts, and PD for Leading Like a C.O.A.C.H.
Guest Posts
- “Why We Are Not Doing Teacher Evaluations This Year (And What We Are Doing Instead)” Corwin Connects: https://corwin-connect.com/2020/12/why-we-are-not-doing-teacher-evaluations-this-year-and-what-we-are-doing-instead/
- “Leading Literacy with the C.O.A.C.H. Framework” Corwin Connects: https://corwin-connect.com/2022/02/leading-literacy-with-the-c-o-a-c-h-framework/
- “How School Leaders Can Help Teachers Understand the Impact They Have on Students” Corwin Connects: https://corwin-connect.com/2022/05/how-school-leaders-can-help-teachers-understand-the-impact-they-have-on-students/
- “Three Key Coaching Skills Every School Leader Needs to Support Teachers’ Planning Initiatives” Corwin Connects: https://corwin-connect.com/2022/07/three-key-coaching-skills-every-school-leader-needs-to-support-teachers-planning-initiatives/
- “Can a Principal Also Be an Instructional Coach?” MiddleWeb: https://www.middleweb.com/46663/can-a-principal-also-be-an-instructional-coach/
- “The Principal’s Role in Supporting New Tech” MiddleWeb: https://www.middleweb.com/48918/the-principals-role-in-supporting-new-tech/
- Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud: https://barkleypd.com/blog/podcast-leading-like-a-coach/
- Schoolutions (w/ Olivia Wahl): https://www.buzzsprout.com/1890886/12770906
- Dr. Sam Bommarito’s Blog/Podcast: https://doctorsam7.blog/2022/11/05/dr-sam-interviews-matt-renwick-about-his-book-leading-literacy-like-a-c-o-a-c-h-and-his-upcoming-workshop-at-lit-cons-literacy-institute/
- Teach Me, Teacher Podcast (w/ Jacob Chastain):
- Principal Center Radio (w/ Justin Baeder): https://www.principalcenter.com/matt-renwick-leading-like-a-coach-5-strategies-for-supporting-teaching-and-learning/
Professional Development
- “The Leader Learners Study Group: Leading Like a C.O.A.C.H. Book Study” Choice Literacy: https://choiceliteracy.com/course/the-lead-learners-study-group-leading-like-a-coach-book-study/
- Literacy Lenses Twitter Chat: https://wakelet.com/wake/oQOjUELwHDCoPd5r9QnMr