Join Me for an All Things PLC Twitter chat, Topic: Using Technology Thoughtfully in PLCs #atplc
Tonight at 8 P.M. CST (Thursday, November 5) I will be hosting an All Things PLC chat. This conversation is supported by Solution Tree (www.solution-tree.com). Our topic is around the use of technology in thoughtful ways within professional learning communities. Follow the #atplc hashtag on Twitter to join us. Specifically, we’ll discuss what benefits…
What I’m Reading: September 2015
Always the beautiful answer Who asks a more beautiful question. -E.E. Cummings photo credit: What is this key for? via photopin (license) Early Literacy Research: Findings Primary-Grade Teachers Will Want to Know by D. Ray Reutzal (The Reading Teacher, July/August 2015) The Dean of the College of Education at the University of Wyoming addresses the most…
Suggestions for a First Year Principal (from a veteran principal who remembers)
Below is an article I wrote for the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators (AWSA). Click here to view the original source. If you have additional suggestions for first year principals, please post them in the comments. I didn’t think I would write something like this, a list of strategies for new building administrators. Who…
What I’m Reading: July 2015
Abandon learning, and you will be free from trouble and distress. – Lao-Tse Practices and Commitments of Test-centric Literacy Instruction: Lessons from a Testing Transition by Dennis S. Davis and Angeli Willson (Reading Research Quarterly, Summer 2015) A former elementary principal (Davis) and elementary teacher (Willson) conducted a one year qualitative study of the effects…
Digital Student Portfolios: Site License for Teacher Professional Development
Thinking about your school’s professional development plan? Are you looking for a focus for your grade level or department inquiry? Still searching for that textbook for a college course you are teaching on technology integration? Then consider this offer for a powerful, year long learning initiative. Possible questions: What is a “site license”? A site license means…
Hangout On Air: An Introduction to #Evernote for Educators
Join me at 7 P.M. CST on July 8, 2015 for a one hour webinar on how educators can use Evernote (www.evernote.com) in their personal and professional lives. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf7x2BndazQ&w=560&h=315] Click here for the agenda for our time together:
The @CDWCorp Red Carpet Influencers Tour
I joined other technology writers and bloggers for a one day tour of the CDW facilities in the Chicago area. Click here to view our Storified tweets. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cHJd1Li5nA&w=560&h=315]
Session for Summer Innovation Institute: Evernote for Educators
Click here to view the agenda developed for a session I facilitated on how to use Evernote as an educator. This session was specifically geared toward teachers.
Opinion for @journalsentinel: Education is an Endeavor to Help Build Better Lives
Click here to read an editorial I wrote for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, regarding the debate over teacher licensure at the state level.
What I’m Reading – May 2015
My Favorite Teachers Use Social Media: A Student Perspective by Katie Benmar (Education Week, April 21, 2015) Student voice is so often missing in conversations about education, that it is almost a surprise when we hear it above the din of educators. Katie Benmar, a high school student in Seattle, shares both the benefits…